Joanna Campbell Slan has moved, searching new blog...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter 2008 Ezine Arrives!

If you didn't get your copy, email me at and put EZINE in the subject line. We'll send you your very own FREE copy.

What's in this issue?

* What's Hot and What's Not--A brief look at scrapbook trends.
* Green Scrapbooking--A continuation of our ideas for using recycled and found materials on your pages.
* Contest Announcements
* Freebies--Yes, you can get a free file full of fun (how's that for alliteration?) hand-drawn art to download and use on your pages.

We've already had 20+ requests for the Freebies and the ezine is only just going out now!

Don't forget--You can go to my website and sign up so that you AUTOMATICALLY get your copy. That's a great idea, because we have a special issue going out on December 20, a BONUS issue with all sorts of cool holiday art.


Nicole P said...

HI Joanna, I just emailed you!!

Joanna Campbell Slan said...

Hi, Nicole, we'll start sending out the files on Monday! (I have a helper. Last time I was totally overwhelmed by the number of requests.) I'd love your feedback on the images.