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Friday, May 29, 2015

QTR -- And Why It Matters

By Joanna Campbell Slan

Last night our dear friend Eric introduced me to a new term: QTR.

I'd never heard of it. So he explained, "It means Quality Time Remaining," and he went on to say it has to do with how you spend the rest of your life.

Now Eric is as smart a man as any I've ever met. Maybe even more important, he's wise and he's kind. So when he talks, I listen, and then I think. A lot.

This morning, I looked up QTR and found this reference CLICK

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The article quotes American entrepreneur Wayne Huizenga as saying, "I have a friend who's my age [65], and the last thing we say when we hang up is 'QTR' -- 'quality time remaining.' I don't know how many years I'll be able to play golf, so I'm going to enjoy every minute of this."

I'm not interested in playing golf, but I am interested in making the rest of my life matter. Eric's phrase reminded me to focus on what's important and on enjoying each day to the fullest. 

None of us know how much time we have left. As we age, and we see others struck down by Alzheimer's or crippling diseases, we recognize that healthy, productive time is a premium. 

So I'm going to spend more time THINKING about the time I have left, in order to maximize each moment of each day. That doesn't mean I'm going to work like a fiend. It does mean that I'm going to appreciate each moment and make choices that reflect my values.

I think these questions might lead me to more QTR:

1. Who and what matter to me?
2. What sort of relationships do I want with people who matter to me? Am I actively cultivating those relationships?
3. Who or what take up a lot of time and effort--and are a waste of my time and effort? Who or what deserves more of my time and effort than I'm currently giving him/her/it?
4. What am I trying to change that can't be changed? What do I need to change that I SHOULD change?
5. What joys do I overlook or under-appreciate?
6. How do I need to re-arrange my life so I can be more fully joyful and present?
7. What do I want to accomplish in the time that I have left?
8. What plans do I need to make--and start working on right now?
9. What am I putting off that matters?
10. What enjoyable activities am I shortchanging? Delaying for a day that might never come?

I'm curious. Have you ever heard of QTR? Do you think about the rest of your life and how you want to spend it?


Joanna Campbell Slan is actively pursuing her QTR while writing books and walking the beach on Jupiter Island. Learn more at


Nancy said...

I had never heard that term, Joanna, but I know the concept. You are right, it's a valuable concept, to examine. Thanks for putting it out there.

Janet Laird said...

Thanks Joanna I had never heard that term QTR, from now on I will practice it. 😍

Joanna Campbell Slan said...

Janet, you have been on my mind and in my heart. Sending prayers and affection.

Joanna Campbell Slan said...

Nancy, I hadn't either, so I thought it worth sharing.