It started with a class on journaling at ScrapbooksPlus! in Chantilly on Wednesday night. (Yeah, I know that's not the weekend, but my weekends start early.) We had so much fun that Debbie Chabot has invited me back to teach journaling again. We've also scheduled a second dinner mystery theatre event for Saturday, September 11. So stay tuned for all the details because if you're in driving distance you'll want to attend, and last time this sold out fast!
Thursday my friend Becky Hutchison and I hauled bookmarks and cards and books to the American Library Association show floor at the Washington Convention Center. Becky is just one of the nicest people around. And smart? Shoot. She's an anthropologist, which is a career I would have enjoyed.
Then Friday began the Great American Scrapbook Convention in Chantilly. Scrapbookers are a riot. Here's a photo of one wearing a hilarious tee shirt. (If this is you, please tell me!)

One of the wonderful parts of attending such a convention is meeting talented people. Looking at the card below, I think you'll agree that Peggy Potter has talent to spare. It's a fabulous shaker card, and Peggy has me itching to make a few shaker cards of my own.

Of course, you can't attend a scrapbook convention without help from your peeps. Here I am with Esther and Susie from ScrapbooksPlus! Along with Louise, Erin, Christy, Deborah, my son Michael and my husband David, we met a lot of Kiki Lowenstein fans on Friday and Saturday. These cute "Kiki Lowenstein Fan Club" tees are available through ScrapbooksPlus! Call them at 703-263-9503 to order yours. You can also order signed copies of all my books from ScrapbooksPlus! They'll mail them to your door.

Up again early on Sunday to attend the American Library Association convention. Becky took this photo of me being a famous author. Yeah, my life is never dull. They don't tell you when you write your books that you'll also get to haul them around. Here I am at the Sisters in Crime booth huntin for a box of Cut, Crop & Die copies to sign.

Of course, since ALA is a gathering of librarians, you'd expect to meet lots of celebrities. Here I am with "The Cat in the Hat." Wow. I've always wanted to meet him. I like his style.

Just when I thought life couldn't get more exciting, I also met...Joanna Campbell. That's right. This gorgeous young lady shares my first name and maiden name. She saw my name on the program and came over to the Midnight Ink booth to meet me.
Okay, on Monday I slept late and read a book. (I deserved a day off, don't you think?) And today I'm going through all the stuff I collected, all the books we didn't sell, and all the requests for more information.
It was a super, super weekend. Don't you wish you were there with me?