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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Twitter Directory

As some of you know, I twitter. The micro-blogging site is a great favorite of mine. To find me go to

I use the site to share announcements about blog postings for the many blogs I participate in: Killer Hobbies (, this blog and my character's blog (

I use it to post appearances, special events, and contests I'm running. I find it very successful for getting the word out, and the number of folks following me grows with each passing day.

I also find it a goldmine of valuable information. The best tweeters can condense their offerings into 140 characters. Makes it a snap to skim through and pick out items of interest.

I also rely on Twitter to share journaling prompts, which are writing tools to get scrapbookers (and authors!) to blast out of writer's block.

I came across this directory of authors who tweet:

Right now, it's limited to non-fiction authors. I hope they'll do the same for those of us who lie for a living!

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